Well Man Clinic
Specialising in Mens Health
We are acutely aware of the increased interest men are taking in their own health, and aim to provide a comprehensive range of services to match that interest.
We can provide relevant advice and screening for various conditions to men.

- Testicular awareness
- Prostate Cancer
- Heart Disease
- Cholesterol
- Erectile dysfunction
- Mental Health
- Alcohol
- Dietary and lifestyle issue
Whether it’s testicular cancer awareness in younger men or prostatic issues in older men, we can advise and investigate as necessary. We also discuss erectile dysfunction, mental health problems as well as alcohol and lifestyle issues.
However, we always remain aware that the biggest cause of premature illness and death in Irish men remains heart disease, so don’t be surprised if we bring the conversation around to your diet, your cholesterol or your lifestyle.
Well person checks are a specialised medical check-up, tailored to each patient which will provide you with a snap shot of your general health. It will include comprehensive history taking ( including family history ), a physical examination as well as blood and other tests.
The Well Man check requires a double consultation and will be geared towards your age and specific complaints, taking into account your past medical history.
The initial consultation involves discussing a questionnaire investigating your medical history and habits. Following this, height weight and blood pressure is measured and urine is checked.
Blood tests are taken as appropriate for age, medical and family history of the patient. Blood tests can include a full blood count, kidney and liver blood tests, cholesterol, blood sugar, thyroid test, and a prostate blood test for men where appropriate. Please fast for 12 hours before your initial appointment.
A follow-up appointment with the doctor will be arranged ten days later. At this appointment you will have a full physical examination and the results of the tests will be explained. You will be given a healthier lifestyle advise.
You will be given a copy of all your results to keep.