Well Person Clinics
Promoting Wellness & Good Health
At Killarney Medical Centre we believe in helping you to maintain a healthy lifestyle by reinforcing health enriching habits and identifying those factors that potentially create future health risks.
Well person checks are a specialised medical check-up, tailored to each patient which will provide you with a good understanding of your health today. They are ideal for those who recognise that, as they get older, they need to take better care of their health.
This rigorous health screen encompasses a broad range of diagnostic assessments to measure your health status and thus help maintain a healthy lifestyle for the future.
We aim to:
- Identify your high risk factors and identify signs of early disease (if present) before you get symptoms.
- Use our medical expertise to deal with any urgent health issues or concerns.
- Educate you about your risk factors for major,preventable diseases, and help you implement a program to avoid developing a preventable disease or becoming a high-risk individual.

Comprehensive Health Screening
Our screening packages are the most comprehensive available incorporating the latest scientifically proven approaches. Our medical team will guide you through a series of tests and evaluations during your visit to us. These criteria have been developed to highlight the factors that cause medical complications which appear in otherwise healthy people.
The Executive Health Check requires a double consultation and will be geared towards your age and specific complaints, taking into account your past medical history. The initial consultation involves discussing a questionnaire investigating your medical history and habits.
Following this, you will have a comprehensive medical examination lasting about 30 minutes. Blood tests will be taken as appropriate for age, medical and family history of the patient. Fasting for twelve hours before your appointment time is required, you can have water only. If you are on medication please take it in the usual way.
A follow-up appointment with the doctor will be arranged ten days later. All results are explained and you will receive a written report and full interpretation of results including a personalised lifestyle plan to maintain motivation to enhance a healthy lifestyle.
- Presenting health issues/symptoms.
- Review of questionnaire
- Medical History
- Medication
- Allergies
- Lifestyle analysis
- Relevant family history
Physical Examination
- Height & Weight
- Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Abdominal Circumference
- Blood Pressure & Pulse
- Cardiovascular examination
- Respiratory examination
- Breast examination
- Abdominal examination (including rectal examination, pelvic examination and smear as necessary)
- Neurological examination
- Ear, Nose and Throat examination
- Musculo-skelethal examination
- Full Blood Count
- Kidney Function test
- Liver Function tests
- Total Lipid Profile (Cholesterol, LDL, HDL, Trigliceride)
- Fasting Blood Sugar
- Thyroid Function test
- Hormone tests (if required)
- Stool analysis (if required)
- Urine analysis
- Smear (if required)
- Electrocardiogram (Tracing of your heart – if required)
- Spirometry (lung function tests)
- Presenting health issues/symptoms.
- Review of questionnaire
- Medical History
- Medication
- Allergies
- Lifestyle analysis
- Relevant family history
Physical Examination
- Height & Weight
- Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Abdominal Circumference
- Blood Pressure & Pulse
- Cardiovascular examination
- Respiratory examination
- Abdominal examination (including rectal examination, prostate examination and testicular examination as necessart)
- Neurological examination
- Ear, Nose and Throat examination
- Musculo-skelethal examination
Outline of Investigations Performed
- Full Blood Count
- Kidney Function test
- Liver Function tests
- Total Lipid Profile (Cholesterol, LDL, HDL, Trigliceride)
- Fasting Blood Sugar
- Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)
- Thyroid Function test
- Stool analysis (if required)
- Urine analysis
- Electrocardiogram (Tracing of your heart – if required)
- Spirometry (lung function tests)
Health Screening is eligible for Tax Relief. Log on to www.revenue.ie for a MED 1 form and information on how to Claim. Some Insurance companies reimburse their members for Health Screening Please check regarding your own personal account with your specific insurance provider.