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Our Fees

Our consultation and services prices


Standard Consultation €60
Student Consultation (Secondary school) €50
Driving Licence Consultation €60
Travel Vaccination Consultation €60


Flu Vaccine €25
Pneumonia Vaccine €25
Vac Hep A (Adult) €55
Vac Hep A (Child) €45
Vac Hep A + B (Adult) €85
Vac Hep B (Adult) €50
Vac Hep B (Child) €30
Vac Typhoid €50
Vac Yellow Fever €70
Tetanus €50
Revaxis €55

Well Person Check Up

Well Person Examination from €250

Sexual health Screening

Examination, bloods, swabs and follow up visit €100

Minor surgery

Ingrowing toe nail  €250

Miscellaneous Service Fees

Accupuncture €60
Ambulatory 24hr Blood Pressure Monitor €70
Bloods Only €40
Cryotherapy €40
Ear Syringe €40
ECG €45
Implanon Insertion €85
Implanon Removal €100
Implanon Replacement (Removal & Insertion) €120
Nebuliser €30
Prescription Renewal €30
Removal of Sutures €30
Wound Dressings €30


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